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I am a Professor in the Department of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at Monash University.

Many of my algorithms are included in the widely-used Weka, R and sklearn machine learning workbenches and a commercial implementation of my association discovery techniques, Magnum Opus, is a core component of the BigML cloud-based machine learning platform. more

I have served in many prominent editorial and conference leadership positions. more

I am a technical advisor to both BigML, Inc. and to FROOMLE.

I am an IEEE Fellow, a member of the CORE Academy and received the 2024 IEEE ICDM Research Contributions Award, 2023 IEEE ICDM10-year Highest Impact Award, 2022 PAKDD Distinguished Research Contributions Award, the inaugural Eureka Prize for Excellence in Data Science (2017), the 2016 Australian Computer Society's ICT Researcher of the Year Award, the 2016 Australasian Artificial Intelligence Distinguished Research Contributions Award, a 2014 Australian Research Council Discovery Outstanding Researcher Award, the 2013 IEEE ICDM Service Award and have been recognised as Australia's leading Data Mining and Analysis researcher, Australia's leading Bioinformatics and Computational Biology researcher and one of Australia's top 250 researchers.